1/21/2025 1:39:26 PM Thatchers Cider successful in lookalike appeal By Huw Cookson Alexia Meade Ruth Hoy In a judgment handed down yesterday, the Court of Appeal (CoA) found that Thatchers' "cloudy lemon cider" trade mark had been infringed...
9/18/2024 2:15:17 AM ANZ Food Law Updates By Sophie Edgerton Jessie Buchan Hazel Pang Proposed Changes to the Definition of "Genetically-Modified" under the FSANZ Code (Proposal P1055) Food Standards Australia New Zealand...
7/18/2024 10:21:34 AM ASA rulings summary, June/ July 2024 - TikTok trends go wrong, number one claims and nobody is getting a starter By Hannah Potter Georgina Doukanaris Petros Nafpliotis Amneek Thiara Natalie Shallal Angelica Pediconi +3 more... Show less This month the ASA has provided a reminder that (i) encouraging excessive drinking is no laughing matter; (ii) number 1 claims must be...
7/9/2024 10:27:53 AM Distilling the new UK Rules and Guidance on Advertising Alcohol Alternatives By John Wilks Georgina Doukanaris In light of the huge growth of alcohol alternative products (e.g. no or low-alcohol beers and mocktails), the UK’s Committee of...
7/5/2024 2:02:18 AM PepsiCo Full Federal Court Decision: Overturns the November, 2023 Decision on the Application of Royalty Withholding Tax and Diverted Profits Tax By Jock McCormack Jun Au Our Australian tax team have reported on a critical decision from the Full Federal Court, with a majority decision that held payments...
5/8/2024 9:30:08 AM Novel Food – helping or hindering innovation? By Teresa Hitchcock Taryn Jones Beth Smart What are novel foods? Novel foods comprise foods which are new, modified or produced using a new production process. Only a novel food...
4/18/2024 9:28:40 AM ASA rulings summary, 10 April - diamond ads must be crystal clear By Georgina Doukanaris Hannah Potter Alex Lowe This week we dive into the ASA’s application of its “average consumer” test through the lens of a recent ruling which concluded that ads...
4/9/2024 2:23:36 PM Using data and AI in the food and beverage industry By Alexa Smith Data, and specifically personal data, isn’t something that is typically at the top of the agenda in the food and beverage industry. But,...
3/4/2024 12:47:49 PM Gin Justice Served: M&S Sips Victory By Huw Cookson Ruth Hoy The Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal which sought to overturn last year's IPEC ruling that M&S's registered designs had been...
1/31/2024 9:56:26 AM Loyalty prices in the spotlight By Huw Cookson It is interesting to see the CMA beginning a review of supermarket ‘loyalty prices’, something which has become common in the sector in...
1/30/2024 10:47:47 AM Government's latest consultation continues the post-Brexit shake up of UK consumer law By Kurt Davies Mark Dewar The UK Department for Business and Trade's (DBT) response to a consultation launched in September 2023 results in further proposed...
1/15/2024 5:18:49 PM Ireland Launches New Agri-Food Regulator to Tackle Unfair Trading Practices By Darach Connolly Jo Kane As 2024 begins, large players in the CGFR sector active in Ireland will need to navigate a new and ambitious regulator governing the...
11/23/2023 8:51:11 AM Influencer Marketing Best Practice in Australia - the AiMCO Code of Practice By Sophie Edgerton Jessie Buchan Olivia Newbold As we set out in our previous post, the AANA Code of Ethics is clear that advertising material should be clearly distinguishable as such,...
11/13/2023 3:43:01 PM Being authentic in business: How to build and maintain an authentic brand By Sophie Lessar VINITA ARORA Claire Sng Chris Rennie +1 more... Show less Greenwashing, sportswashing and pinkwashing You may be selling t-shirts that support Pride, the LGBT+ community, or other groups that...
11/13/2023 9:45:56 AM Kidfluencers & The New Children’s Advertising Code By Sophie Edgerton Jessie Buchan Hazel Pang We introduced the AANA in a previous blog post as the leading industry and self-regulatory body for advertisers and marketers in...
10/24/2023 7:20:32 AM Influencer Marketing According to AANA By Jessie Buchan Sophie Edgerton Olivia Newbold Following on from our introductory post last week, this week we’ll take a closer look at influencer marketing in the context of the...